The Survivors Remnants (2022)

Mixed Media Installation

Glass Jars, Carbon, Stones, Sphagnum Moss, Various moss from local terrain, Foridgeables, Variety of seeds, Kraft paper, Indian Ink, Woven Coverall, Plastic tubing, Tin cans, Newspaper, duvet, Various publications

“After an unknown apocalypse, a sole London survivor navigates through the city wasteland. Foraging and resourcing materials become their only means of survival. Through the luck of interest, the terrariums of the city they once knew and seed sovereignty keeps them alive. Only time will tell if survival is worth it.”

For the group show “Inhabitants”, Melissa presents The Survivors Remnants. After reading ‘The Death of Grass’, a postapocalyptic Sci-Fi fiction book by John Christopher, Melissa questions the possibilities of green living in an Apocalyptic future. Mixing their seed collection, read publications, survival equipment and found items, Melissa worldbuilds a protagonists sanctuary inspired by Safehouse’s interiors. 

Publication titles include

‘Small Space Gardens’ by David Stevens, 

‘The Botanical City’ by Hoxton Mini Press,

‘Sowing Seeds In The Desert by Masanobu Fukuoka,

‘The Death of Grass’ By John Christopher, 

‘The London Garden Book’ by Abigail Willis

‘Moss’ By Ulrica Nordstrom
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